Since we do require all families to volunteer at least 25 hours per school year, we recommend parents and guardians complete the volunteer requirements earlier rather than later. Below is a comprehensive list of these requirements:
- Safe Environment Training: This is an in-person class that all adults must take before volunteering or working with our children. Please click on the following link to view the Archdiocese of Denver page on this program, also known as Called to Protect. There you can view upcoming classes near you. Click Here for SET Training
- Background Check: Visit the parish office or the school office to fill out and submit the paperwork.
- Volunteer Worker Hold Harmless Agreement: Visit the school office to fill out and submit the paperwork.
- Code of Conduct: On the completion of the Safe Environment Training, you will be required to read and sign the Archdiocese of Denver Code of Conduct.
If you are planning on being a driver for field trips, car pooling, or any other driving capacities, you are required to provide the following documents as well:
- Volunteer Driver Agreement: Visit the school office to fill out and submit the paperwork.
- Copy of your current Driver’s License
- Copy of your current Vehicle Insurance