Get Involved!

Happening Now:

Dear St. Mary Catholic School Community:

We hope you will support our students in this FUN and EASY fundraiser for St. Mary Catholic School.  This fundraiser helps raise money for our school and also brings a school-wide focus to the importance of reading and literacy.  

All students are strongly encouraged to participate in this fun and profitable fundraiser for the school. Students, with the help of their teachers and parents, will keep track of their reading time on the provided reading logs.  Families are encouraged to obtain pledges to support and encourage their child’s love for reading from family and neighbors.

Benefits to the Read-A-Thon:

  • Total amount of the money raised directly benefits St. Mary Catholic School.
  • All donations are tax deductible.

You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child. – Dr. Seuss

Read-A-Thon Rules:

  • Start recording your minutes on Tuesday September 3rd on the Week 1 Reading Log.  
  • The Pledge Sheet should be used to track your reading sponsors and how much they have pledged to donate. Pledge Sheets are due with all money collected by Friday, September 27.
  • No guessing minutes! – Use the clock or a stopwatch to clock your minutes.
  • The Home Reading Logs must be used to keep track of your reading minutes at home.

What Minutes Count??

  1. Reading before and after school.
  2. Parents, Friends, Family Members reading aloud to you.
  3. Reading aloud to other people

NOTE: You can read to a fellow student or sibling and minutes count for BOTH students!

  1. Reading aloud to the cat, dog, or even pet goldfish counts!
  2. Reading in a tree, on the bus, in the car, or even under the bedcovers with a flashlight counts!
  3. Assigned reading for homework and book reports (outside of class-time) 
  4. Reading comic books, newspapers, magazines and even Audio Books
  5. Reading in another language

Reading that doesn’t count:

  1. Reading before the official start of the Read-A-Thon
    • Start Date: Tuesday, September 3
  2. Reading after the end of the Read-A-Thon
    • Last day to record minutes: Sunday, September 22
  3. Assigned reading during classroom time
  4. Reading you haven’t done but think you will do in the future

All families are required to volunteer 25 hours per family every year.

All families are also required to fundraise a certain $ amount per family every year.

All volunteers are required to have certain documents on file and complete classes in order to volunteer.
Please make sure to take care of everything before school starts! Contact the school for more information.

Volunteer Requirements

❤ Volunteer Opportunity        ⭐ Fundraiser


  • Athletic Director ❤
  • Sports Coaches ❤
  • Room Parents ❤
  • Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) ❤
  • School Advisory Council (SAC) ❤

Events & Fundraisers

Read-a-thon (Fall) ❤ ⭐
All Saints Day Celebration/Chili Cook Off (Fall) ❤
4th Grade Food Drive (Fall) ❤
Las Posadas (Fall) ❤
Butter Braids (Fall) ❤ ⭐
Scholastic Book Fair (Fall & Spring) ❤ ⭐
Middle School Dances (Fall & Spring) ❤ ⭐

Grand Auction (Spring) ❤ ⭐
5th Grade Retreat (Spring) ❤
School Supply Boxes (Spring) ⭐
8th Grade Graduation (Spring) ❤
Jog-a-thon (Spring) ❤ ⭐
Dining for Dollars (Year Round)⭐
Scrip (Year Round) ⭐